Orient Electric 12W Emergency LED Bulb: Rechargeable Light, 2-Hour Backup, 4 kV Surge Protection, 6500K Cool White, Made in India (Pack of 1)


Original price was: ₹1,150.00.Current price is: ₹299.00.

Orient Electric 12W Emergency LED Bulb: Rechargeable Light, 2-Hour Backup, 4 kV Surge Protection, 6500K Cool White, Made in India (Pack of 1)

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BRIGHT LIGHT OUTPUT OF 1000 LUMENS: This emergency light comes with a bright light output of 1000 lumens during AC supply. It has an uninterrupted backup of 2 hours, once fully charged.
PERFECT FOR AREAS WITH FREQUENT POWER OUTAGE: With a battery backup of 2 hours, this emergency led light for home makes sure that light’s still on, when the power is gone. This bulb is perfect for areas that suffer frequent power outages.
IN-BUILT OVERCHARGE PROTECTION: The battery of this emergency light for home is protected up to 4 kilovolt voltage surge and deep discharge for added safety & durability.
CHARGES AUTOMATICALLY DURING AC POWER SUPPLY: When the switch is on, the battery of this emergency led light for home charges automatically to illuminate your space with a light output up to 300 lumens when there is a power cut.
PROUDLY MADE IN INDIA: Bring this emergency light home and go Vocal for Local. This efficient & durable Orient bulb is proudly made in India.
LIGHT UP ANY SPACE: The 12W emergency bulb is perfect for schools, offices, hotels, retail showrooms, etc.

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